About O&P Master’s Program Costs
A helpful way to evaluate overall between institutions is to consider tuition fees, cost of living, and other hidden fees. Comparing costs between the numerous Orthotic and Prosthetic (O&P) programs offered by 12 different institutions, factoring things such as in-and-out-of-state tuition, program length, and estimated monthly cost of living. Tampa’s relatively low cost of living is attractive, and it is safe to say that how much an individual spends in a month is highly variable.
The key, however, is that IIOP does not charge more for out-of-state students versus in-state and has one of the shortest program lengths overall. These factors play a role in making IIOP one of the most cost-effective out-of-state choices.
This undoubtedly is a draw for candidates outside the state of Florida, or maybe it’s the beautiful beaches and coastlines. You can see more of what Tampa Bay offers at VisitTampaBay.com.